
a face lift

Hello. Thank you for being patient while I spent the last six months gathering my thoughts and taking a break from the blogging world. A lot has changed since my last post- we'll get to that later. I decided it was time for a little spring clean up and a fresh face to the blog, hence the new title. With my time away, and (most recently with Blake traveling for work) time to myself, I spent some time reflecting on things I was focusing my time and efforts into, and come the end of the day, how they were leaving me feeling- empty and exhausted. I then took some time to get to the root of the matter, which only left me feeling ashamed and wasteful. It all could only mean one thing: All these things I was focusing on was only a reflection of my heart. I was so busy focusing on things of this world and trying so hard to make people happy, that I was wearing myself thin, and giving my Savior the tail end of my life- which was next to nothing by the end of a routinely busy day. And this broke my heart, because I have been giving Him nothing while He has been showering my life with blessings beyond all measure. And I have been far from grateful. This called for a reevaluation of my time and an elimination of daily duties and a reprioritzation of new priorities. The top of my list: To find a quiet place. A quiet place brings my mind and heart into alignment with a Savior aching for my attention and my time. There I can listen to His voice and enjoy the one thing I was made to crave, a real relationship and dialogue with Him. It sounds so easy when put so simply, but again, for me, it's not a cake walk if Im not disciplining myself to find the stillness in that quiet place.

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