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save the date. for all you obsessive compulsive schedulers out there.

because 06-10-2010 marks: Jackson Reclaimed's annual Art Show. here, let me enlighten you.

i have always, within my own creative spirit, had a passion for having a part in creating something fresh and useable out of something that once was tattered and seemingly unfixable. its this 'reconciliation' process, that warms my heart, truly. even if it is merely amongst soulless objects that will be on display in a home or elsewhere. the beauty of the transformation is sentimental and carries itself into the completed object, thus giving to us, within the object, memory of the process of change and significant meaningful value. and i dont mean value in cost, but instead, value in our hearts and minds. these are the things- the qualities, as humans, that we treasure-that we long for in our home, because while these objects appear to be just objects, the deeper truth behind them brings us back to the reality of who we are and where we come from. this is a humble and extremely beautiful reminder.

we are reclaimed.

this is the unearthed mission of Jackson Reclaimed. a dear friend and extremely talented artist, christy henderson, who i must add is and has been one of the volunteer artists helping with JR for sometime, quotes on the JR website:

God graciously takes broken, torn, nasty, empty souls and breathes eternal life into them. The result—a beautiful picture of freedom that this world cannot offer and a reclaimed spirit ready for eternity. We hope the art will represent that.

what an amazing picture. and who better than the Perkins Center to benefit from all the proceeds the jackson reclaimed art show makes this year. the perkins center's mission is one of a similar calling to that of jackson reclaimed.  the organization strives to 'develop the lives of youth,  leaders, and underprivileged in our community and around the world by setting an example of God's love to further his kingdom.' activities, community, and mentorship through the perkins center provide people the opportunity to be immersed in friendships that reflect Christ's undying and unchanging love for his children- no matter how lost, hurt, or broken a person maybe, God has already graciously reclaimed their spirits. and the jackson reclaimed annual art show is merely an opportunity to expand upon this vision!

so now that your calendars are marked and you know a little of the vision of these two organizations, all you need to do is purchase a ticket or two or more ($20.00 a piece) and come be inspired and enjoy a night full of newly transformed handmade treasures on june 10, 2010 from 5:00 pm -9:00 pm at the cedars. many local and regional artists donate work to be displayed and auctioned at the show.
'The art, along with a photography display and art from inner city residents, express the heart and soul of a people with a passion for creating and a desire for revitalization of a heart and soul of a city' (quoted from jackson reclaimed blog).

someone once pointed out to me that artwork is always a reflection of its artist. yet here, the goal of the work is to be a reflection of something bigger- an unspoken expression: a reflection of Christ.

wouldn't it be sweet to implement art, with such expression, within your home?

june 10, 2010 will give you that opportunity.

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