my craspedia flowers from nettleton hollow came in the other day. i literally wasted no time in lavishing my house with them. and i really couldn't be more pleased. i could fill up every vase, empty wine bottle, or candle holder with these beauties. they are absolutely perfect. their yellow color pops in my home. this is a picture of them being displayed on top of a bookshelf in my dining room. and what is wrapped around them is actually movie reel film from the movie fantasic four that i actually dug up in an old abandoned movie theatre years back in starkville, random, i know. but i find that its a pleasing contrast with eachother; however, i'm not completely sold on the display. my man and i have different opinions on the film. you can clearly see who's opinion won, but it might be a temporary win. he has excellent taste.
anyway, its a slow day in the office, but have no fear. i've been keeping myself preoccupied with the ridiculously cool iphone app i discovered just hours ago. if you have taste like mine, (i.e. a sucker for a good find, anything vintage-anthro esque, modern touches, or excellent photography) then i may have just the app for you. shakeitphoto is an app that can transform your already existing or new photos into a beautiful old looking polaroid with just a few shakes. it especially comes in handy for those with a mild case of a.d.d. because you have to actually shake your iphone for the pictures to develop (just like you would an actual polaroid). granted, i am no photographer, but this app sure turns my lame old photos into something that i'd actually put up all around my home. i'm not keen on buying apps, but this one is sure worth the 0.99 cents you pay for it.
i gotta give a shot out to my man and my puppy. he is the only person she lets hold her like this... must be a super special guy.

and i must include a super cute pic we took together at his sisters rehersal dinner. it was in the coolest place. the style of this picture kinda goes well with the location's atmosphere.
i'll leave you with a pic i just snapped sitting at my desk. it really expresses the, er, out-of-date look we've decided on to decorate the office. enjoy. have a safe and delightful april fools.
thank you for introducing me to this app, friend! great find :)