hope everyone's weekend was as terrific as mine. i am undoubtedly crawfish-boiled-out. we had two to go to both saturday and sunday. fortunately, although i do not eat crawfish, the windy weather made going both more enjoyable and not quite so 'crawfish-smelly'. blake and i spent the entire day outside: soaking up sun, grilling, eating, and sitting outside during a meal watching the sun go down. i was exceptionally entertained watching my man and his roomie build a hammock stand in the backyard for their hammock.
to bad it isn't as delightful as this lovely picture. i'd give anything to have a snapshot in my backyard look exactly like this.
today has been slow in the office. i'm so thankful i'll get to make the most of a monday by enjoying me and blake's weekly late monday afternoon tennis matches. it most definately takes the "manic" out of mondays altogether.
so, make it a goal to grab monday by the reigns and conquer its 'terribleness.' make it date night. go for a walk. or create a collage, just like the one posted below. adding a little fun to a day can go a long way. funday monday. yep. cheesy. i like it.
enjoy. blessings.
hahaha funday monday.